Tuesday, 20 December 2011


Wowee it has been a long time since my last post! (I feel a bit Father Ted now, forgive me, it has been X days since my last confession!)

Lots of exciting news and many changes on the emotional/home/life front.

  • 2 new dogs arriving on Thursday
  • Downstairs of house has been turned inside out/upside down
  • Said downstairs has been re-plastered and mostly repainted
  • Working with a Feng Shui guide book has helped enormously and the simple addition of an outside light has changed how I feel about my house
  • Harp has been put to bed so as not to get damaged amongst the dust/general craziness
  • A change of attitude in the day job has really paid off
  • Some interesting blogs read and food for thought provided as a result
  • Beloved Bike that belonged to my dad, then to me, then stolen by ex fiance, then back to me, then back to dad, has now been bought by my uncle 
Life for me will re-start anew and afresh on Thursday 22nd - almost half of my immediate family has their birthday on this date, and it's the first date after the winter solstice, so seems as good a time as any, and I'm not sure I can wait until the 'new year' to start again!

See you Thursday!


  1. I think you should start the New Year when it suits you. It seems appropriate that tomorrow is your New Year given that you have new friends moving in too. Happy New Year.

  2. Thanks for your lovely post cheri, I hope you have enjoyed your 'belated' Christmas and that your new year is truly special with all the exciting things you have planned.
